Celebrate With Our January Newsletter!

Get Some Sun

The Benefits of Sunlight

Want better sleep and a better mood? Get some sun. What is more natural than sunlight? When the sun is out, try to get as much of it as you can. Go for a walk (especially with friends). Numerous studies show that sunlight is good for your natural circadian rhythm, so you’ll feel sleepier at night and feel more awake during the day.

All energy on earth (except for volcanoes) is from the sun. All life on the surface of our planet depends on sunlight. A new study has found that getting enough natural sunlight each day could help reduce insomnia and improve mood. This study was published in the Journal of Affective Disorders and involved over 400,000 people.

The coauthor Sean Cain writes: “In this study, we observed that the greater time spent in outdoor light during the day was associated with fewer depressive symptoms, lower odds of using antidepressant medication, better sleep, and fewer symptoms of insomnia.”

Greater time in outdoor light was also associated with lowered odds of lifetime major depressive disorder and better outcomes across a range of mood and sleep measures. Additionally, too much light at night throws off your circadian (day-night) rhythm. So stop staring at artificial screens late at night. (1)


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For Your Health,

Dr. Scott Van Dam

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