Happy Columbus Day
Pre-Installed Programming For Health
Welcome To October’s Health Newsletter

Save Your Back While Raking Leaves
The splendor of the fall season is the brightly colored foliage. Unfortunately, that beauty falls away, and you’re left to rake it all up! But before you march outside with rake in hand, you’ll want to take care to avoid injury and steer clear of starting the holiday season laid ...
Don’t Pop Pills Like Candy!
The Desire Theorum
Putting the “Abs” in Absolutely No Neck Pain

With strength as the new pretty, we would love to have "Abs of Steel" to show off but also the power of the core muscles to help us achieve further health and agility. Unfortunately, the abdominal muscles are located in the front center of our body. Achieving maximum results to your core muscles requires following ...
The First Courageous Step
The Back To Health Ninja

Has your new description lately been the "Couch Ninja"? Have you and your loved ones been cheering more often from the sidelines rather than getting out there and taking part?
If you have answered yes to either one of those questions, we know your next thought will be that "I would love to, but it hurts, ...