Welcome To The September Newsletter

Essential Oils And The Brain

What’s one thing everyone has in common? We ALL have a brain! The brain is a powerhouse in our bodies, so why not take care of it to the best of your ability?

There are many ways essential oils can be used to support the neurological system. So let’s talk about which oils we can use to promote optimal brain health and how to use them to target the brain.

The number one essential oil for supporting the brain is frankincense. Throughout history, frankincense has been used and discussed for its healing properties. One of the most impressive findings with frankincense oil is how it moves through the blood-brain barrier and can penetrate deep within the brain. It has the ability to access parts of the brain; very few things can, man-made or otherwise. Its anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antitumor, antidepressant, immune stimulant, and overall sedative properties make for an extremely therapeutic and beneficial experience for the brain. Another way frankincense helps the brain is with focus. Many times in history, it is referred to as an oil that helps with meditation, prayer, and communication with non-physical sources. The brain and mind are intertwined. Frankincense steady’s the mind, eases impatience, and provides support for those struggling with hyperactivity.

Basil is another essential oil that supports the brain and mind. Its aroma is invigorating and cooling, which brings in energy while also calming the mind. If you struggle with frequent headaches or nagging tension, adding basil into your essential oil routine will support your brain and body with those symptoms. Basil blends wonderfully with bergamot, another essential oil that can promote positive brain activity and mindset. Together they make a great team due to the intensity of basil’s aroma and the sweetness of bergamot.

All three oils – frankincense, basil, and bergamot – are extremely versatile and work together to support the mind and brain. They are all easy to use as they can be applied without a carrier oil. Adding a few drops of
each to the diffuser or individually in your workspace or place of prayer or meditation will bring an enhanced experience as well as many health benefits. For support of neurological symptoms such as focus issues, headaches, or mood concerns applying to the back of the neck or behind the ears is a great and fast-acting way to support your body. Applying essential oils behind the ears allows for quick entry to the bloodstream due to the thin skin and massive amounts of blood flow, blood vessels, and veins located there while also being localized for fast neurological support.


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For Your Health,

Dr. Scott Van Dam

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Van Dam Chiropractic