Welcome To The November Newsletter

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Chiropractic care is made up of two parts. First, a subluxation, a physical distortion causing nerve interference or stress, is located in a person’s body. This is done using various instruments and tools that may range from the highly sophisticated, such as X-rays and MRIs, to the relatively simple (body measurement and multiple tests). In the hands of an expert, a simple tool can be very accurate.

Now comes the specialized procedure to correct, release or (the most commonly used word) adjust the patient’s subluxation. This is done to undistort the distortion in a person, correct the hidden stress, and release nerve stress. There are many chiropractic adjustment techniques; over 100 are taught today.

Typically, the adjustment involves introducing force or energy to the part of the body where the subluxation resides to unlock it, to put the part in motion so that the body will reposition the offending part.

An adjustment may take a moment, but its beneficial effects may be lifelong.


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For Your Health,

Dr. Scott Van Dam

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Van Dam Chiropractic