Enjoy Our September Newsletter

Do Infants Benefit from Chiropractic?

Chiropractic for infants? Do they have low back pain? Of course not! Infants need chiropractic care to ensure that the stress of gestation, labor, and delivery has not damaged their spines and delicate structure.

Infants can be damaged by falls – statistics tell us that nearly half of all babies have fallen from a height (off the changing table, off the bed, down the stairs, etc.).

Chiropractic care helps ensure s healthy baby with better resistance to disease, a better ability to discharge toxins, a better ability to absorb nutrients, and overall better body function. Also, correcting subluxations may help a baby who is ill return to health more quickly and comfortably.

There are many case histories of chiropractic helping children with all kinds of conditions – asthma, colic, constipation, difficulty breastfeeding, ear infections, autism spectrum disorder, vision and hearing disorders, neurological conditions- no matter what conditions babies may have, chiropractic care can help them grow into healthy, happy children. (1,2)


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For Your Health,

Dr. Scott Van Dam

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Van Dam Chiropractic