Summer Time Blues With Whiplash

Most of us all love summer and vacations at the lake or ocean. We all relish the great memories we created as children. Unfortunately, many of us try to recapture our youth without hesitation with spontaneous water fights, being first to show off how well we "used" to water ski, or even go and jump ...
Vision Is Everything – Light The Fire!
Create A Healthier You In Fargo

Are you feeling stressed-out? Run down? Exhausted? What choices are you making? When is now important enough?
We all promise to take a vacation from our busy lifestyles and unplug, but many of us still bring our computers, phones, and work with us on "our" vacations. It is not until an injury or illness strikes for ...
Don’t Ignore The Warning Lights!
Does A Frozen Shoulder Stop You From Playing?

Four and Match Point!
At this time of year, we should be in full swing of enjoyment and fully basking in the benefits of the warm summer sun and outdoor activities it allows. Unfortunately, many of us are sitting on the sidelines or taking medication to play through the pain. One main culprit is shoulder pain ...
Happy Fourth of July!
July 2016 Issue

Included in this month’s issue…
The 3 T’s -- Mental Health & Chiropractic
Dr. Daniel David (DD) Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic, was a man ahead of his time. He had an impressive library of scientific insights. Drawing from his studies he came to the conclusion that dis- ease (body malfunction) was caused by three T’s:
Thoughts and
Today’s ...
Get A Grip With Great Posture
The Year Round Athletic Youth

Today our children begin training and playing year round sports from a very early age. The results have been extraordinary in the Wins and Losses column.
The Win column contains the amazing achievements in speed, coordination, and overall results. Unfortunately, the Losses have included an increase in injuries. To convert those losses our spinal specialist teams ...