First Great Steps for Young Athletes

Today our children begin training and playing year round sports from a very early age. The results have been extraordinary in the Wins and Losses column.
The Win column contains the amazing achievements in speed, coordination, and overall results. Unfortunately the Losses have included an increase in injuries. To convert those losses our spinal specialist teams ...
Precision Navigation to Solving Back and Neck Pain

Scary how technology has become a savior but also freakishly aware as we type back pain or neck pain into Google's intelligent search bar. It not only auto fills our requests but gives us the closest locations that match our keyword searches. Today with the ease of navigation our health and quality of life should ...
Mind Your Language – It Affects You

Recently walking through a supermarket, I overheard a middle-aged man say “My son gave me this stupid cold and I feel horrible” as he rubbed his eyes and sniffled through his words. Unfortunately a totally common occurrence!
When we are “sick”, we naturally want to complain and list all our symptoms. As a loving doctor and ...
Go The Distance With Chiropractic

As an athlete prepares for a big race, the excitement can begin with the pulling tight of the laces on the track shoes. The heart pounds a little louder as a quietness falls over you and the mental vision of the race pushes your thoughts of "I am READY!"
But are you really ready? Have you ...
What Is Workplace Ergonomics?

Gone are the days of sitting back in our office chairs with our feet on the desk. Now we have gone to the absolute other extreme to where our heads are almost in the computer screen as they are stretched and extended by our form that is becoming hunched and almost disfigured. With this wonderful ...
June 2015 Issue

Included in this month’s issue…
What Is That Weird Thing?
Your internal organs are connected to your brain through nerves in your spine. On the top is the brain, under it is a stack of bones called the spinal column and between the bones emit lots of nerves. At the end of the nerves are lots of ...
Allergy Season Is Here!

The warmth of summer is finally here! As we open the windows and doors, we may find that the increase in temperature coincides with the massive pollen levels that are causing an unwanted boost in cases of seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis. This is unwanted news for those of us who anxiously awaited for summer ...
Avoid Joint Replacements

As we get older, we begin to find signs of age. Our skin is not as firm. We are not as flexible. We slow down and actually acknowledge we are in pain. But what happens when our joint pain begins to become so excruciating that we are limited in our day to day activities?
Unfortunately many ...
Healthy Solutions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

For decades, arthritis was considered an inherent part of the aging process and a signal to a patient that it’s time to slow down. But not anymore. Surprisingly recent research points out that people much younger can develop rheumatoid arthritis pain but the best news is that people no longer need to suffer needlessly from ...