Positive Daily Affirmation
September 2015 Issue

Included in this month’s issue…
Accidents, Injuries and Chiropractic
Our world can be a pretty dangerous place; many of us have experienced a traumatic brush (or collision) with reality. And although accidents may be unavoidable, much of the pain and suffering from them may, in many cases, be avoided with chiropractic care.
Every trauma has the potential to ...
Fargo FIT TIP For Staying Healthy
Health From the Beginning
Great Sleep Equals Better Health and Weight Loss

If you have trouble getting quality sleep, rest assured you're not alone. “Rest assured” is probably a poor reference here… However, surveys into sleeping problems reveal that between forty and sixty percent of adults don’t feel that they sleep as well as they should or would like to. It is often down to stress in ...
Think And You Can Achieve
Celebrate Freedom From Sciatica in Fargo

The summer of patriotic celebration is here! As we should be enjoying the warm weather, barbecues, and standing with our friends and families in celebration, many of us are striped with low back and leg pain which puts our body at full attention of misery.
Flagging the Pain Source
Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest ...