Welcome To May’s Health Newsletter

Strengthen Your Immune System with Chiropractic

Good Health is Easy; Sickness Takes Work

You are the product of hundreds of generations of strong, healthy, intelligent ancestors. Think about it—every one of your many ancestors needed to be healthy to live long enough to at least reach puberty; every ancestor needed to be attractive enough to find a mate; every ancestor needed to be smart enough to survive in this difficult world and be able to raise heirs.

You have inherited a wonderful body designed to keep you going for (believe it or not) over a hundred years in perfect physical and mental health. Oops! But it doesn’t always seem that way. A lifetime of physical, mental, and chemical stress can weaken us and cause our bodies to malfunction. One of the most serious forms of stress you can have in your body is the subluxation.

What is a Subluxation?

A subluxation is a tiny distortion in your spine that causes nerve damage. Subluxations create disharmony in your body, a precondition for sickness and disease of all kinds. Subluxations have been linked to internal organ weakness as well as abnormal stress on your muscles, cartilage, and discs. Subluxations have also been linked to arthritis, spinal degeneration, lowered resistance to disease, premature aging, loss of height, unbalanced posture, weakness, and pain.

Please click here to view the rest of our May Newsletter newsletter.


For Your Health,

Dr. Scott Van Dam

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Van Dam Chiropractic