Welcome To December’s Edition Health Newsletter

Colds, Flu & Chiropractic

Chiropractic for the flu and common cold? Absolutely! “But isn’t chiropractic just for backs?” we hear you ask. Chiropractic is for the entire body. Many people seeing chiropractors for pain find a general improvement in their health that includes fewer and less severe colds, flu and other respiratory problems.

What Causes the Common Cold?

It’s not just germs. For germs to grow in you, you must first be fertile soil. For example, cold viruses were placed on the mucous lining of the nose in test subjects, yet only 12% got a cold. (1) Obviously, there is more to the cold than germs. For that reason, chiropractic doesn’t “treat” the common cold. It does, however, help awaken your inner healer, your natural resistance – the only “cure.” Natural resistance is the only reason why your cold goes away rather than lasts for weeks, months, years or your entire lifetime!

Chiropractic helps raise your natural resistance to disease by removing a serious interference to your proper body function: subluxations, permitting your body’s natural resistance to disease (immunity) to function at greater efficiency.

Please click here to view the rest of our December newsletter.

For Your Health,

Dr. Scott Van Dam

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Van Dam Chiropractic