Posts Tagged ‘chiropractic Fargo ND’

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The Sound Of Joint Flexibility

Joint Flexibility Fargo ND Physical Medicine

We all love movie soundtracks. The music can transport us right into the story and lift us high, allow us to cry, or give us reasons to hide under our covers in fear. Now just think about if our lives all had theme music playing in the background. In reality, the sound ...


Ready For Pain Relief in Fargo?

Chronic Pain Solutions Fargo ND Low Back Pain

Are you in constant pain? Do you carefully balance between managing your pain vs. giving up and crying?  Is it just too much?" If you can relate or watch someone you love suffer needlessly, read on for insightful information to help you understand and choose the best pain solution options from the experts in treatments of headaches, ...


March 2018 Issue

Auto Injuries Increase Risk Of Future Back Pain The National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations reports that more than two million people are injured every year in auto-related accidents involving either a passenger vehicle, large truck, or motorcycle. Furthermore, that number appears to be climbing at an alarming rate, increasing more than five percent between 2014 and ...


November 2017 Issue

Opioids & Chiropractic - Hope for Recovery? America is experiencing an opioid epidemic or crisis due to the increase in the use of prescription and nonprescription drugs that act on the opioid receptors to produce morphine-like effects. These drugs include painkillers such as OxyContin®, Percocet®, Vicodin® and fentanyl. They are strong, and also addicting, and can ...


August 2017 Issue

5 Ways Athletes Benefit From Chiropractic Care Most people make the conclusion that a person visiting a chiropractor is doing so for problems with their back or neck. According to a recent study led by Dr. Simon French of the Melbourne University in Australia, most people do visit the chiropractor for these reasons. However other research ...


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