Archive for the ‘Newsletters’ Category

Welcome to Van Dam Chiropractic's Newsletters Archive. Here you can learn more about Van Dam Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Scott Van Dam, today's choice for Chiropractors in Fargo, ND. Read Dr. Scott Van Dam's Chiropractic Newsletters for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - (701) 532-5320.

Welcome To The June Newsletter

Whiplash and Chiropractic You’re sitting in your car minding your own business, stopped at a light, and WHAM! Some idiot slams into you from behind—you are rear-ended. Your head snaps or “whips” backward and forwards. You got a whiplash. Hopefully, you don’t have any broken bones or cuts, but something is still not right. Your head isn’t ...


Welcome To The May Newsletter

The Miracle of Chiropractic Chiropractors don’t put any drugs or chemicals into the body, and they don’t remove body parts—and yet, for well over a century, millions of people have benefited from chiropractic care. We’re not just referring to musculoskeletal pain such as the back, wrist, arm, shoulder, neck, head, leg, hip, and other pains but much, ...


Welcome To The April Newsletter

How Does Chiropractic Help Women? Since chiropractic’s inception, spinal care and adjustments have been a blessing to millions of women of all ages. Chiropractic helps girls grow into healthy women and has helped women with menstrual problems as well as many other conditions. Pregnant women are able to be analyzed and adjusted throughout the (hopefully) 9 months, ...


Welcome To The March Newsletter

When Is The Best Time to See A Chiropractor? Now is the best time. If you are alive and breathing, you are under stress, and you may have a painless condition increasing in your body called a subluxation. What is a subluxation? It is a blockage or distortion of your spine and skeletal system that can irritate ...


February’s Health News

Is That A Snake Down Their Back? We often like to show you the picture of the woman on the right. People have asked, “Is that a snake on their back?” “No, it’s their spinal column (backbone),” we say. We’ve also been asked, “What’s with the chiropractic fascination with the spine?” “How does the back make me ...


Our First 2021 Newsletter

Worried About Germs?   With bad news all around us, how can we keep our bodies in tip-top shape? Should we fear germs? Do this: Take a deep breath. You just breathed in millions of germs. You really did. But don’t be scared. We are all covered, inside and out, with billions upon billions of germs: bacteria, viri, fungi ...


Van Dam Chiropractic