Understanding Cyber Solutions for Neck Pain

Oh, we love to search online. So much so, it is not uncommon for someone to say, "I will Google it.". With today's hectic lifestyles our stress and pain overload is up and our time and patience are down. For solutions, many of us head to the extension of our hand - our smartphone or ...
Happy Father’s Day!
Perfect Chemistry
Chiropractic – Great Health Approved!

Click, click, click. Nowadays you are unable to turn on the television without a commercial appearing, for some new pharmaceutical drug that will cure whatever condition or disease that your body may be suffering from at the moment. Drug manufacturers commonly advertise on television and in various other media to encourage people to “Ask your doctor ...
Play In Perfect Harmony With Chiropractic
Bigger Than A Facebook Post – Chronic Disease

Have you ever scrolled through you Facebook and found a common thread of illness and heartache now being posted almost virally between friends and family you know and their re-posts? As our world connection is virtually delivered, we are able to see that chronic disease has now touched more of our lives than ever before. ...
True Strength
June 2016 Issue

Included in this month’s issue…
The 3 T’s - Toxins, Thoughts & Trauma
Dr. Daniel David (DD) Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic (1895), said that dis-ease (body malfunction) was caused by toxins, thoughts and trauma – the three T’s. Modern science is just catching up to his insights; he was far ahead of his time.
Understanding the three ...
Pack Your Bags – Leave Your Back Pain Behind!

Summer vacation is near! The excitement of warm weather and the well-needed break from school or work is upon us. As the last school bell rings or the final confirmation of your travel plans arrives to make sure you not only pack accordingly but prepare with these simple tips so you may enjoy the most of ...