September 2017 Issue

Chiropractic Care For Infertility Each year more couples suffer from heartache and emotional stress due to infertility. As the number of infertile couples grows, so does the intervention offered by the various health care industries. Up to now, many couples have not been aware of any other option other than conventional medical intervention which often consists ...


A Facebook Repost – Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease Fargo ND Health Improvement

A year later and our Facebook homepage posts are still filled with heartache by friends and family who are experiencing illnesses and life changing disabilities due to chronic disease. Our instantaneous world connection delivers not only the triumphs but the shares of how chronic disease has now touched more of our lives worldwide than ...


21st Century Neck Pain

Neck Pain Fargo ND Posture

We are in full swing of the 21st century with all its benefits but also alarming detriments. All correspondence is now primarily virtual. Interactions between humans, may it be business, casual acquaintances and worse, our more intimate partners has now become smart technology hands-free operations based. With so much time spent in our virtual ...


Sports Rehabilitation And You

Sports Injury Fargo ND Rehabilitation

We all know that playing sports and healthy exercise should be an essential part of staying healthy. These health-smart actions benefit your heart, lungs, joints, bones, and also your mind in the way it releases mood-enhancing endorphins. The downside is that physical activity can sometimes lead to injuries. Injuries are caused by a variety ...


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