Welcome To February’s Health Newsletter

Chiropractic Q and A Question: What is a subluxation and why are they so dangerous? Answer: A subluxation is a distortion in your spinal column and body structure that affects your brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Chiropractors spend years learning how to locate and adjust subluxations using various physical testing devices, body biofeedback, and other instruments as well ...


5 Star Reviews for Chiropractic on Relief of Back Pain

rated #1 for back pain treatment

Consumer Reports has named Chiropractic as the top-rated treatment for the relief of back pain in survey results gathered from over 14,000 people.  Chiropractors across the country are honored to receive this important endorsement from America’s most trusted rating organization. The Survey The Consumer Reports survey queried 14,000 of their subscribers who had experienced lower back pain ...


Balancing the Back Pain Health Equation

Health Equation Fargo Back Pain

One of the essential factors when leading a healthy lifestyle is a healthy spine. Many people overlook the benefits of a healthy spine and those who suffer from back pain are generally less healthy than those who do not. There are many problems associated with back pain, both financial and psychological, however these can be ...


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