Welcome To The April Newsletter

How Does Chiropractic Help Women? Since chiropractic’s inception, spinal care and adjustments have been a blessing to millions of women of all ages. Chiropractic helps girls grow into healthy women and has helped women with menstrual problems as well as many other conditions. Pregnant women are able to be analyzed and adjusted throughout the (hopefully) 9 months, ...


Acupuncture For COVID-19 Loss Of Smell And Taste

Author and Publication: Healthcare Medical Institute, November 2020 Acupuncture demonstrates clinical efficacy for postviral recovery from the loss of the sense of smell. COVID-19 (coronavirus) patients often experience diminished olfaction, with a median return of the senses of taste and smell within eight days. However, long-term impacts on both gustation (tasting) and olfaction have been reported ...


Suffering A Rotator Cuff Injury?

Shoulder Pain Fargo ND Rotator Cuff Injury

Are you sitting on the sideline for some of your favorite activities due to a shoulder injury that is making many routine activities challenging and painful? Or have you played through telling yourself it will heal or you will address later? Be warned! It could be an injury to your rotator cuff! Your shoulder injury that ...


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