Enjoy Our April Newsletter!

Chiropractic for the Entire Family? Absolutely! Infants, babies, pregnant women, young, old, athletes, students - everyone can benefit from Chiropractic! It’s easy to see. Walk into the waiting room of a busy Doctor of Chiropractic, and you’ll notice a surprising variety of people coming in for care, people suffering from nearly every condition under the sun. You may ...


Leave Your Back Pain At Home This Summer

Back Pain Fargo ND Vacation

Summer vacation is near!  The excitement of warm weather and the well needed break from school or work  is upon us.  As the last school bell rings or the final confirmation of your travel plans arrives make sure you not only pack accordingly but prepare with these simple tips so you may enjoy the most of ...


Enjoy Our March Newsletter

Why Is Your Nervous System Important? The goal of chiropractic is to locate and correct subluxations to release stress from your nervous system. Why is that important? Your Very Important Nervous System Without it, you’d be in the ultimate sensory deprivation tank – not be able to connect with anything or anyone not seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, or ...


Suffering A Rotator Cuff Injury?

Shoulder Pain Fargo ND Rotator Cuff Injury

Are you sitting on the sideline for some of your favorite activities due to a shoulder injury that is making many routine activities challenging and painful? Or have you played through telling yourself it will heal or you will address later? Be warned! It could be an injury to your rotator cuff! Your shoulder injury that ...


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