Core Strength to Reduce Low Back Pain

Fargo ND Exercise for Low Back Pain

How often have you heard that the best way to prevent lower back pain is to develop strong core abdominal muscles? Chances are you've even embarked upon your own crash course in "core strengthening" in order to minimize your struggles with back pain. Although the term core strengthening is now fairly universal, what's not so clear ...


Conquering Chronic Pain with Chiropractic

Fargo ND Chronic Headaches

When you or someone you love suffer with chronic pain it is not only physically debilitating but physically exhausting.  You sit over your computer searching for anything that may take the pain away.  At first you would never expect to find a long lasting or permanent solution and are willing to settle for a solution ...


The Trick and Treat of Sugar

Weight Loss Fargo ND

Ahh!  One of our favorite holidays is here - Halloween!  Children young and old have always loved the sweets and treats that accompany this day of ghoulish delights.  The sweets of course are full one of the most addictive substances on earth.  That's right - sugar.  Sugar by itself is natural and provides pleasant sweetness ...


Keep Younger By Exercising Your Brain!

Mental Exercies Fargo ND

Have you recently picked up a pen to write a note and found that your handwriting has become less legible and you had to concentrate more to perform the task?  With our technological advances scientists are finding that we are losing our tactile skills and the speed in which we are able to complete tasks. ...


Not In Vogue – Low Back Pain

Fargo ND Low Back Pain

Red carpets and fashion runways are a designers dream come to life.  For the fashion savvy we watch in awe and try to duplicate in our own lives.  One accessory without fail that arrives each season is the undeniably loved high heel. We love to wear them and can even convince ourselves that they are comfortable ...


Help and Healing for Scar Tissue

Scar Tissue Fargo ND Chiropractic

Living a full out lifestyle of a career life stylist,  as a weekend warrior, or professional athlete is challenging when an injury has occurred.  We mask and push through the pain as long as possible.  Most often we listen to our bodies only when the pain becomes to much to bear and that our range ...


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