Quick Tips for Senior Fitness and Health

Senior Healthcare Fargo ND Fitness

Visions of our grandparents in their rocking chairs or stools are becoming more and more of a myth.  Extinct is their acceptance of getting old gracefully.  Do not let their gray hair fool you.  This generation of seniors is not taking age lying down; so take a moment learn from their wisdom on how Americans ...


July 2015 Issue

Included in this month’s issue… Have an exceptional 4th of July The operative word is “exceptional.” America is an exceptional nation. Why? What makes America so unique in all the world? America was founded on ideals. Whereas other countries have had an ethnic group and a piece of real estate to define it, America is a nation defined ...


The Dreaded Pins and Needles

Numbness Fargo ND Pinched Nerve

We have all experienced the dreaded pins and needles after we have sat on our feet too long or laid on our hands incorrectly.  But what if that severe irritating intense buzzing pain did not resolve after a few minutes and began to radiate up our arms or legs?  Simply said, it would make our ...


Been In An Auto Accident?

Accident Fargo ND Personal Injury

It can happen in an instant!  You were simply driving your car - possibly in auto-pilot- then out of no where another car swerves or an animal runs in the road and suddenly you slam on your brakes.  Most often we avoid the collision of another object but often in cases we don't.  Unfortunately this ...


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