Fast Track Your Recovery in Fargo

Back Pain Fargo ND Sciatica

For most, recovering from an injury is an exercise in itself. For an athlete, being told that you have to reduce or halt all activity in order to let the bone or muscle heal is equivalent to torture. However, there are a few things you can do to help speed the healing process so you ...


Sports Rehabilitation and Improved Performance

Sports Rehabilitation Fargo ND Athletic Performance

Have you ever witnessed a professional or Olympic athlete that seems to be superhuman?  Did you sit and watch mesmerized by their quick reflexes, amazing speed, and agility? We all have.  While many simply believe it's "enhancement drugs" others, who are sports athletes, investigate further to find out what measures they are taking to become the 1% of ...


Jump Start Your Immune System This Fall

Immune System Fargo ND Wellness

The hustle and bustle of the fall season are now in full drive.  As the rushing to school, sports events or other important functions is on the fast track so may the attack on you and your families immune system.  So this month let’s all commit to making ourselves a little healthier by choosing one or ...


Pain Solutions in Fargo

Chronic Pain Solutions Fargo ND Low Back Pain

Are you in pain? Do you very carefully balance between managing your own pain vs. giving up and crying  - "It is too much?"  If this is you, read on for insightful information to help you understand and choose your best pain solution options from the experts in treatments of headaches, back pain, neck pain and other musculoskeletal ...


October 2015 Issue

Included in this month’s issue… Acute and Chronic Illness Chronic illnesses are always there. They are considered to be so deep that our natural healing system cannot push them out or externalize them. Examples are allergies, asthma, skin conditions, MS (multiple sclerosis), cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, ADD and others that usually never go away. The opposite of ...


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