Posts Tagged ‘Fargo ND Back Pain’

Welcome to Van Dam Chiropractic's Fargo ND Back Pain Archive. Here you can learn more about Van Dam Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Scott Van Dam, today's choice for Chiropractors in Fargo, ND. Read Dr. Scott Van Dam's Chiropractic Fargo ND Back Pain for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - (701) 532-5320.

A Back Pain Free Vacation

Back Pain Fargo ND Vacation

Summer vacation is on all of our minds!  The excitement of warm weather and the well-needed break from school or work is upon us.  As the last school bell rings or the final confirmation of your travel plans arrives, make sure to add these simple tips, so you can enjoy the most of your vacation without ...


Observations From A Chiropractor

Evolutions Role Fargo ND Back Pain

Man's trajectory from the beginning has been to come, become, adapt, and grow.  Our evolution from even a small infant can be measured by lying to sitting, sitting to crawling, and finally crawling to standing.  With this said our species from an outside observer would now be entered as the era of de-evolution of man. ...


Back Pain and Chiropractic: A Non-drug Approach to Relief

Back Pain and Chiropractic: A Non-drug Approach to Relief

At some point, nearly everyone experiences back pain, especially low-back pain. This type of pain can feel sharp or it can be a dull ache with tingling, burning or numbness. Back pain is the second most common reason for a trip to the doctor and one of the major contributors to disability worldwide. Researchers used to ...


Pre-Installed Programming For Health

Wellness Fargo ND Health

The First Courageous Step

Courage Fargo ND Wellness

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