July Newsletter

The World Cup and Chiropractic Care The 2018 FIFA World Cup is upon us and some of the greatest athletes will compete in the most watched sporting event in the world. Soccer fans everywhere will be gathering to watch “the beautiful game” on the most exciting stage in sports. For many of these athletes, in addition to ...


Irritable Bowel What Can I Do?

Digestive Disorders Fargo ND Chiropractor

It always comes at the most inopportune times, but at one time or another, we have all experienced the discomfort of bloating abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea or constipation.  Unfortunately, for many people, this has become a daily occurrence.  Traditionally, triggers have thought to have been anything from stress, eating certain foods, stomach or bowel infections.  ...


The Sound Of Joint Flexibility

Joint Flexibility Fargo ND Physical Medicine

We all love movie soundtracks. The music can transport us right into the story and lift us high, allow us to cry, or give us reasons to hide under our covers in fear. Now just think about if our lives all had theme music playing in the background. In reality, the sound ...


June Newsletter

Chiropractic and Stress Life is full of ups and downs that are stressful. Even good events such as marriage, the birth of a child, buying a home, family reunions, vacations, and many other joyful activities register quite high on the stress meter – as high in stress as when really bad things happen. The difference is whether ...


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