Sciatica Relief Fargo ND Chiropractor

Sciatica Relief Fargo ND Chiropractor

Visit to learn more about sciatica relief in Fargo, ND.

Dr. Scott Van Dam will help relief your sciatic nerve pain. If you are experiencing pain shooting down your leg your sciatic nerve may be to blame. We will identify the cause of the pain and help your body heal so you can get your life back.

Van Dam Chiropractic‎
2701 9th Avenue South #800
Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 280-2599‎

Headaches Fargo ND Chiropractor

Headaches Fargo ND Chiropractor

Visit to learn how Chiropractic Care can be your Future Healthcare Solution!

Dr. Scott Van Dam located in Fargo, ND will diagnose the cause of your Headaches and design a treatment plan to help get rid of your headaches. He uses chiropractic, acupuncture and nutritional approaches to help you heal. Let his amazing team help you heal safely, effectively, and painlessly.

Van Dam Chiropractic‎
2701 9th Avenue South #800
Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 280-2599‎

Whiplash Fargo ND Chiropractor

Whiplash Fargo ND Chiropractor

Visit to learn how Chiropractic Care can be your Future Healthcare Solution!

Dr. Scott Van Dam is a chiropractor who serves the area of Fargo, ND. He and his fantastic team can help you recover from a whiplash injury. Whether due to a car accident or slip and fall the team at Van Dam Chiropractic will help you heal.

Van Dam Chiropractic‎
2701 9th Avenue South #800
Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 280-2599‎

Welcome To February’s Health Newsletter

MEASURES TO HELP YOU MINIMIZE COVID-19 INFECTION Measures to Minimize COVID-19 infection and maximize your immunity to protect yourself, family, and loved ones:   1. Receive regular frequent chiropractic adjustments (according to Dr. Donald Pero’s, PH. D., Chief of Research at New York’s Preventative Medical Institute and Professor of Medicine at New York University). Dr. Pero’s research study ...


What Does Your Stress-O-Meter Read?

Stress Relief Fargo

Our lives today have become congested and over run with stress.  The effects of stress are seen across the nation at an earlier age and with more detrimental health effects.  Stress can be caused by a number of factors, both personal and professional. In most cases, though, it is the result of the difference between ...


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