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Prevent Injuries this Winter Season

Injury Prevention Fargo ND

Let the games begin!  The winter season of sports and activities has begun.  Whether you are a novice or a pro please take precautions to prevent injuries this winter. Winter Fun Safely Snow, ice, and cold weather are part of the seasonal fun but  can create a different set of problems besides slips and falls.  Those who ...


Checklist to Pain Free Holiday Travels

Fargo ND Low Back Pain Free Guide

Buckle up our traveling season is upon us.  Planes, trains, and automobiles this season can put a real strain on our holiday fun.  So this season follow these tips to survive the physically demanding prospect of traveling to your holiday destination even if your final destination is a luxury holiday. Start Right Travel should be looked on ...


Understanding Whiplash Injuries and Neck Pain

Whiplash Fargo ND Neck Pain

As the roads become increasingly slippery, more auto accidents are occurring at an alarming rate.  The sharp  or sudden stops are causing whiplash injuries to not only the driver but all the passengers involved.  These injuries unfortunately do not always cause sudden pain but can manifest over time and are not limited to motor vehicles ...


Step Your Way into Better Health

Benefits of Walking Fargo ND

While some fitness enthusiasts relentlessly seek out the latest, trendiest exercise crazes, many others are returning to good, old-fashioned walking to help them feel great and get into shape. Whether enjoying the wonder of nature, or simply the company of a friend, walking can be a healthy, invigorating experience. And thanks to its convenience and ...


The Slam Dunk on Avoiding Back Pain

Fargo ND Low Back Pain

Basketball season is about to begin!  Whether we play professionally, for a school team, or for a league on Sunday, one on point game plan should be to invest in the proper shoes to avoid future injuries and unnecessary pain. Too many people choose fashion over function when purchasing athletic shoes, not realizing that poor-fitting shoes ...


NHL Scores with Chiropractic

Fargo ND Sports Injuries

The smell of the ice.  Some find no bigger pleasure as the sweet cold smell reaches our nose and begins the adrenaline rush for the upcoming hockey season.   If you are one of the many fans you are aware that hockey can be an action packed game that comes with several health risks due ...


Are You Suffering with Arthritis?

Fargo ND Arthritis

Are you one of the new generation that suffers with arthritis but refuses to accept to sit on the sideline?  If so read on! Understanding the Arthritis Myths Years ago, arthritis was considered an inherent part of the aging process and a signal to a patient that it's time to slow down. But not so anymore. Recent ...


The On Ramp to Better Health

Fargo ND Health Solutions

The superhighway, as it was coined in the 1990's, was developed to bring our global communications and information to one great stream accessible by all of us.  The information is translated and driven by numerous languages and mathematical algorithms but one system that is universally is the same is that to access and connect to ...


Van Dam Chiropractic