Chiropractic on Health

Health Fargo ND Chiropractic

As a Chiropractor, I listen to many people's versions and definitions of health.  Unfortunately our opinions are formed by what our parents told us and all the information that is provided by general medical practitioners, drug companies, athletic clubs, infomercials and all the superfluous information we can search on Google.   In all of this extremely ...


Welcome to Arch Madness!

Foot Pain Fargo ND Orthotics

Shoes glorious shoes!  Most women and a great deal of men love their shoes.  They are designed to be worn for about eight months or 500 miles but like most of us it really depends on what we do in those 500 miles.  Just as a great car we want them to look good but ...


Our Bodies Amazing Operating System

Nerve Pain Fargo ND Sciatica

In today's world there is a gidget for every gadget and all have an instructional manual to help us understand all the warning lights and alarms that have been created to help you understand if your gadget is functioning properly.  The manual also comes with the clause that if we maintain it at a high ...


Breaking Free From Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia

Chronic Pain Fargo ND Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia can create many challenges for a person suffering with this disorder. The challenges often go well beyond the typical characteristic of chronic pain. Suffering from chronic pain alone can be debilitating. For a fibromyalgia sufferer just trying to explain all of their locations of pain is often confusing to their doctor and to complicate ...


Celebrate Your Heart Health with Chiropractic!

Heart Health Fargo ND Wellness

Welcome to February where we celebrate our healthy hearts and what we can do to help get our hearts pumping in a healthier rhythm for life! First Step - Recognizing the Right Steps Towards Heart Disease Our fun filled convenient lifestyle just may be marching you towards heart disease faster than you may expect. Do you suffer with ...


The Final Score to Beat Tendonitis

Pain Relief Fargo ND Tendonitis

Sitting on the edge of our seats as we eagerly await the final score.  3-2-1 Victory!  You jump to cheer the win, but if you suffer with Tendonitis that victory dance is filled with awkward motions and pain. If you find this pain has you red shirted from the sports you love to play or even ...


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