Nutrition isn’t about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Instead, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible – all of which can be achieved by learning nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.
Best Nutrition Program in Fargo, ND!
Our nutritional counseling program is designed to give your body the jumpstart it needs to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Whether you are looking for weight management, energy, overall body composition, or overall wellness, there’s something for everyone. It begins with a detoxification or nutritional cleanse. In conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, this detoxification will help you to rid your body of waste and prepare your body to absorb nutrients better.
Our focus is to maximize fueling your body to achieve maximum results. The ultimate goal is sustained energy, core nutrition, and overall wellness!
Here at Van Dam Chiropractic, we focus on correcting the underlying issues causing illness, not only treating the symptoms. The food that we have today is not as nutritionally dense as it once was. The processing and modifying of our food have stripped our diets of vital nutrients. Therefore, many of us need to compensate for those deficiencies.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in
the care of the human frame, in diet, and the cause and prevention of disease.”
-Thomas Edison, January 2, 1903
Our Program
Our program helps you create a clearer, brighter, and lighter quality of life. It is not a fad diet but a process to begin building healthy habits and wellness for life by purifying your body from naturally or unnaturally occurring toxins, such as antibiotics, nourishing your body properly as your toxin removal organs are now free to function optimally, and maintaining a healthy body and weight to support your nutritional needs for your new healthier lifestyle.
Take Control of Your Health Today
Nutrition is essential to overall health! Feeding the body properly keeps our systems working well and working together. Conversely, a deficiency in one system may cause an array of issues throughout the body.
Environmental toxins and naturally produced toxins in your body can create an overload and contribute to:
• A stuffy feeling in the head
• Fatigue or difficulty sleeping
• Indigestion and other temporary gastrointestinal upset
• Food cravings and weight gain
• Reduced mental clarity
• Low libido
If you find you are suffering from one or more of those symptoms, this could be your health solution to re-starting your health potential.